Autoimmune and Gastrointestinal Diseases Causing Pain
People with autoimmune conditions and/or leaky gut are likely chronically inflamed, or have major inflammation during flare ups. These conditions usually need to be supported by both diet and supplementation. Leaky gut issues usually need to be healed through herbs and nutrients which “plug the leaks” by healing the gut and with proper diet so not to create new leaks. Lab work may also indicate the use of other nutrients to eliminate bacterial, viral, or parasitic activity in the body. Autoimmune conditions need specific nutrient support to regulate pathways which perpetuate inflammation and tissue damage. If these conditions are not well controlled, inflammation will be present.
Other Digestive Issues
GERD, bloating, and irritable bowel disease are the most frequent gastrointestinal pain complaints. There are several correctable factors to address this. One of these is poor food combinations, typically mixing fruit with other foods. Due to the nature of metabolism, fruit should be eaten first and allowed to be metabolized for at least 15 minutes before eating the remainder of the meal. Eating fruit and a protein simultaneously, such as with steak, will often cause a disconnect between functions of the stomach and intestine, causing uncomfortable repercussions. Other common causes of GERD, bloating, and IBS include lack of stomach acid (60% at age 60, 80% at age 80), eating too soon again, low pancreatic enzyme vitality, food sensitivities, and possible overgrowth of yeast or small intestine bacteria. When these symptoms occur right after meals, it’s usually associated with hyperacidity. When 3-4 hours after meals, its often from hypoacidity. Treatment often consists of the family of proton pump inhibitors or H2 blockers such as nexium, prevacid, prilosec, protonix, and aciphex. Though these can be initially helpful, long term use can contribute to osteoporosis, fractures, C. Diff diarrhea, malabsorption of Vitamin B12 and iron, and increased risk of community acquired pneumonia. If one chooses to get off these medications they must wean off slowly or they will experience hyperacidity. It is important to heal the gut and bring balance to the digestive system. This can be done through healing nutrients/herbs, a diet free of irritants, exercise, and eliminating stress (i.e. relaxation techniques, therapy, life coaching, herbs which balance stress hormones, acupuncture, etc). It is important to work with your physician or a nutritionist to aide in healing your digestive system.