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Vitamin B Deficiency Symptoms

A Vitamin B deficiency can cause many health problems.

When your body is suffering from a Vitamin B deficiency, it begins to show this through a variety symptoms. Vitamin B is responsible for a wide variety of physical balance, including cellular differentiation, transmission of nerve electricity, healthy nerve cells, pulse rate, muscular contraction, digestion, brain function, thought processes and energy production. Without adequate vitamin B complex from foods, you can experience many undesirable effects.

In some cases a Vitamin B deficiency can cause mental issues such as paranoid behavior and nervousness. Attention Deficit Disorder, irritability, restlessness and a feeling of uneasiness are other symptoms. Agitation and frustration can develop. Even worse are heart palpitations, cardiac arrhythmias and fibrillation. Indigestion, chronic fatigue and exhaustion are common, and tingling in the extremities and general soreness has been noted as well.

A chronic Vitamin B deficiency can cause problems with your adrenal system as well. The adrenal glands serve many purposes, but in relation to this topic, they are the back-up system for making energy. When there is a chronic lack of vitamin B the adrenal glands are called upon to produce quick energy by injecting certain hormones like adrenaline into your system so that you can cope with life. If this goes on for a long time, then the adrenal glands become impaired or worn out, leading to even more health problems.

If you are suffering from symptoms such as these, consult your healthcare provider immediately. With a few simple tests, a Vitamin B deficiency can be diagnosed, and a proper treatment program will be implemented.